February 2020

Miguel Zenón Bild © Jimmy Katz
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Fresh Sound New Talent - Claudia Döffinger

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Claudia Döffinger Bild © Mathias Schalk

Claudia Döffinger was born and raised in Leonberg, Baden-Württemberg. At the age of eight she starts to play the piano and soon discovers that she loves one thing above all else: making music together with others. Jazz is there right from the start, alongside salsa, rock, blues or even classical music - she is open to the music she encounters. Döffinger moves to Lucerne for her jazz piano studies and founds her first big band for her graduation concert. Her interest in composition and arrangement leads her to study in Graz, where as a student of Ed Partyka and Michael Abene she deepens the art of orchestrating and writing for the large ensemble. Success proves her right: In 2017, her composition »White Note Exorcist« will be awarded, among others, the Downbeat Student Music Award (USA) in the category »Original Composition for Large Ensemble«. The Frankfurt Radio Big Band is happy to present Claudia Döffinger as another »New Talent« from the current European music scene.

Cinzia Catania, vocals
Claudia Döffinger, conductor

Saturday, February 1st 2020

20.00 h


Musikhochschule Frankfurt

German version and ticket link

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Notícias de Zenón y Klein

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Miguel Zenón Bild © Jimmy Katz

New musical messages from Latin America are promised with this meeting of two protagonists of the region: the Puerto Rican Miguel Zenón and the Argentine Guillermo Klein. Musical (and personal) friends for a long time, the two musicians are particularly connected by the big band »Los Guachos« from New York City, which Klein founded in the nineties and with which he was noticed. Zenón, considered to be one of the most influential saxophonists of his generation, has always played for the Guachos, and conversely Klein is involved in quite a few productions of Zenón as an arranger. Since both Klein and Zenón have each been a guest of the Frankfurt Radio Big Band, it is only logical to bring these two exceptional musicians to Frankfurt together.

Miguel Zenón, alto saxophone
Guillermo Klein, conductor

Thursday, February 13th & Friday, February 14th 2020

20.00 h



German version and ticket link

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Hesse School Tour 2020

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Musiker und Schüler in Sporthalle
Die hr-Bigband auf der Hessen-Schultour Bild © hr

»How long are you practicing for a project?«, or, »Why is there no woman playing with you?« Are two of the many exciting questions children and teenagers will address to the Frankfurt Radio Big Band, if they have the opportunity. The Frankfurt Radio Big Band is looking for this dialogue with their offspring at their concerts in the Hessian schools. But above all, the Frankfurt Radio Big Band wants to arouse interest and enthusiasm on their twelfth school tour for live, handmade and grooving music, in which the listener and the musician can have great joy, no matter what line-up and in which style the music is played. The concerts will be hosted by students, who will be prepared in advance by professionals for their mediation task in workshops.

Tuesday, February 18th 2020

11.00 h



Wednesday, February 19th 2020

11.00 h


Internatsschule Schloss Hansenberg

Thursday, February 20th 2020

11.00 h


Fritz-Philippi-Schule Breitscheid

Friday, February 20th 2020

11.00 h


Justus-Liebig-Schule Darmstadt

German version

Quelle: hr-Bigband