February 2023

Rival gangs, revenge killings and in the middle of it all: real love. Leonard Bernstein had no difficulty recognising the modern character of "Romeo and Juliet" and transferring the plot of the tragedy to New York in the 1950s. There, Tony and Maria fall madly in love with each other. Yet they both belong to two competing street gangs. It is out of the question that the other gang members are not too happy about their romance. Like in Shakespeare’s original, there is no happy ending to Bernstein’s "West Side Story", however, hits like "Maria", "America" and "Somewhere" have made the musical a timeless classic. Jörg Achim Keller has arranged the famous melodies between classical modernism and jazz for big band: Latin grooves combined with a great deal of passion are thus on "Tonight"’s schedule with the Frankfurt Radio Bigband and Nils Landgren.
Nils Landgren | trombone
Jörg Achim Keller | conductor
Alte Oper
Friday, February 3rd 2023
8 p.m.
Tickets: (069) 13 40 400
Alice Merton grew up in four different countries. Sounds like she has spent most of her life on the road? That’s right. To deal with her inner conflict about that, in 2016, the singer wrote her song "No Roots" and promptly became an internationally celebrated popstar. And also as a coach of the casting show "The Voice of Germany" the 30-year-old has proven what she’s capable of: Already in her first season in 2019 she won the trophy together with her protégée Emmanuela Santoso. This evening, Alice Merton and the Frankfurt Radio Bigband will "team" up and play the singer’s old and new hits.

Alice Merton | vocals
Jörg Achim Keller | conductor
Thursday, February 9th 2023,
8 p.m. (tickets)
Friday, February 10th 2023,
8 p.m. (tickets)
Tickets 34,- € each
Combined Ticket with
Joy Denalane
55,- € each
(069) 155-2000
Whether big band, orchestra, or brass band: The trombone can be found in many ensembles – however, rarely in the spotlight. Time to change that, Günter Bollmann, Felix Fromm, Christian Jaksjø and Robert Hedemann thought and so, this Spotlight Jazz is fully dedicated to the popular brass instrument. Besides many musical trombone highlights, the four musicians will explain all you have ever wanted to know about their instrument. Look forward to a concert evening with depth!

Günter Bollmann, Felix Fromm, Christian Jaksjø and Robert Hedemann | trombone
David Grottschreiber | conductor, moderating
Friday, February 24th 2023
7 p.m.
Tickets 20,- each
Combined Ticket with
Claire Martin & Porgy and Bess
45,- € each
(069) 155-2000

Sofia Jernberg | vocals
Samúel Jón Samúelsson | conductor
Saturday, February 25th 2023
9 p.m.
Tickets 21,- each
(069) 155-2000